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Sally and David Weintal Preschool


Thumbnail image for IMG_2072.JPGOur curriculum is based on current research concerning early childhood education and on developmentally appropriate practice guidelines as established by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. It is also based on our general philosophy: we honor and respect children for their individual differences and we rejoice in who they are now.

Teachers invest a lot of time observing the children. They observe the child's readiness for new skills and concepts, his/her interest, and the foundation of prior skills on which to build. The teachers consider what the children like and then they create an atmosphere in which they can grow, learn and discover the world around them.

The Weintal Preschool curriculum focuses on the four major areas of development. These four areas are the physical, cognitive (intellectual), social and emotional stages. It is essential to remember that each child grows in his/her own style and pace. The range of normal development within any given age group can be as much as two years. Our curriculum strives to encourage each child's uniqueness and his/her capacity to be different. There is a natural rhythm to childhood, and children must have the time to wonder, ask questions, sort and classify their world and practice their emerging skills without fear of failure. This must be done in an atmosphere that provides firm and consistent rules of behavior, and kind, respectful and nurturing teachers.

The curriculum will be enhanced by a theme-based approach that integrates all areas of development. Spanish vocabulary and music will be introduced to each class for approximately twenty minutes per week. In addition, each class will have music enrichment each week. The curriculum will be further enhanced by the introduction of Judaic values, traditions and customs.

More details about the curriculum and guiding principles are available from the Director.

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